This morning I went to the IMAX theatre in Balboa Park. There was a course on Visualization for Large Spaces. I got to see many cool examples of IMAX style shows for various theatres arounf the US. We also got a presentation from Sky-Skan, one of the grandfathers of planetarium projection. They were showing off their realtime sky visualization software, running at QXGA resolution on a laptop. Very cool. Evans and Sutherland also showed off their realtime system for replacing the laser light shows. The first clip had Pink Floyd's "The Wall", goose-stepping hammers. So much for revolutionizing the laser light show :-)
The last presentation was from the people at the Hayden Planetarium, in NY. They had a piece of their "Are We Alone" show. There were simulations of planetary phenomemnon from people all over the world, seamlessly blended together for an awsome presentation. According to the presenter this was stuff that took days to render on 1000 processor systems.
It seems that planetariums are emerging as a new entertainment center. I hope we can squeeze in a bit of science while we are at it.
I am off to the "Building Interactive Spaces" course. Augmented reality here I come!!!
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